Spray paint is a helpful method to enhance a touch of color to your project. Utilising spray paint may seem like a direct procedure, however if you’re not familiar with it, the results can be unsatisfactory. Most of us can do a satisfactory job of painting a room. But a prepared pro does a great job. Apparently, professionals have more experience than the normal homeowner, but they also know skills and tricks that make them better painters. Here are a few tips and tricks to make sure that your paint job comes out as attractive as you’d expect.

Tips to spray paint like a pro

Visual Inspection

Any broken, chipping, or peeling areas should be gently sanded or scraped (and then completely rinsed) before applying new primer and paint, because the weight of the new coat will pull the old paint slack.

Find & Fix

Ensure that the surface to be painted is spotless, free of rust and debris, and smooth. Any surface bumps or defects will appear through the paint, so utilize sandpaper or steel wool to spotless and smooth the surface, at that point utilize a lint-free cloth to remove any remaining dust.


Sanding not only feathers out chipped paint as well as gives "tooth" for the next coat of paint. For glossy trim, utilize a sanding sponge rather than sandpaper. Sponges form to the shape of the trim and last longer than paper. 

Covering with Cloth

Protect anything you don’t need to be painted. You will never regret the time you spend covering floors, furniture, and hardware before you start a paint project. Drop cloths are an absolute necessity, and small plastic sandwich bags protected with tape are a simple technique to protect doorknobs.

Read the Instructions

The instructions on the back of the label are profitable. They reveal to you how long to shake the can before spraying, how far to keep the can from the surface, the right temperature at the time of application, how long to wait before recoating and more.  

Paint in Right Direction

This is the time to apply the color. When spraying the spray paint ensure to utilize smooth even passes across what is being painted. You should not start painting from top because the paint will be heavier in that area. When painting you need to press and release the button to the side of the product being painted.

Clear Coat

Now it is ideal opportunity for the clear coat. You need to spray the clear coat just like the way of spray paint. Just a single or two light coats are required. You need to allow the clear coat plenty of time to dry as this is the layer that you will see most. You don't need any fingerprints on your final surface!

Double Check Work

Between coats you'll need to back-prep, or sand off any bumps, before applying the next coat. Utilize a light to check the surface for drips, any kind of flecks, or other different flaws.


  • This requires some time and practice.
  • Be patient!!!
  • Give the paint needed time to dry.
  • If you need an extra smooth surface, you may wet sand in-between the coats of spray paint.
  • Your finished product will replicate the amount of time spent. If you take your time and do it right, you will be more than glad with the results!