Depending on the type of a garage floor, there are several methods you can use to give it a unique finish. However, for more effective results all these methods require some additional cleaning and polishing products. In this article, we have come up with a very simple and convenient DIY method that will not only help you in giving a unique finish to your garage floor but also protect the floor against vehicle and foot traffic.

Required Tools and Supplies: -

         1. RockSolid Floors Oil Destroyer
         2. RockSolid Polycuramine Metallic Floor Coating Kit
         3. Rust-Oleum Rocksolid Floors Metallic Tint
         4. 9 Inch Roller Frame
         5. Roller Extension Pole
         6. Stiff Bristled Broom Brush
         7. 3" Paint Brush
         8. Mixing Bucket
         9. Painter's Tape
         10. Mixer Paddle

Follow the below-mentioned steps for a better result:

Step 1: Prepare Your Garage Floor

First of all, it is required to degrease complete garage floors. Just scrub the floor with RockSolid Oil Destroyer (Check the Technical Data Sheet for Application Instructions). Once the task is completed, etch the floor with concrete etch from RockSolid Polycuramine Metallic Floor Coating Kit as per the instructions that are printed on tin. Afterwards, tape around the edges of the floor where concrete meets with walls.RockSolid Oil Destroyer (Check the Technical Data Sheet for Application Instructions). Once the task is completed, etch the floor with concrete etch from RockSolid Polycuramine Metallic Floor Coating Kit as per the instructions that are printed on tin. Afterwards, tape around the edges of the floor where concrete meets with walls.

Step 2: Mixing

Roll side A of the Polycuramine pouch toward side B until the middle seal bursts. Then, mix the two components together thoroughly, shaking the bag back and forth for 2-3 minutes. Once the contents of the pouch are completely mixed, cut one corner of the bag and pour the mixture out into a mixing bucket.

Important: Coating must be applied within 45 minutes of mixing! Therefore, mix one pouch at a time if the surface area of garage requires more than one kit.

Step 3: Metallic

Afterwards, pour the metallic tint (Copper Pot) into the bucket and combine it with the Polycuramine mixture with the included stir stick or a mixer paddle for 2-3 minutes, or until thoroughly mixed.

Step 4: Coat

Using a paint brush, trim the edges of the garage floor (along the painter’s tape) with the Polycuramine mixture. Once the edges are completely trimmed, use your roller (included) to apply the coating to the garage floor in 5’ x 5’ sections. Make sure not to block yourself in while painting. After rolling out each section, use the roller to put circular patterns in the coating (like applying wax to a car) to ensure there are no bare spots. This will give the coating an opaque appearance once the floor is dry. For more information on the application technique, watch the video below. While you’re applying, remember that the Polycuramine Garage floor coating must be applied within 45 minutes of mixing.

Step 5: Finish

Once the coating is done, leave your floor alone for 8-10 hours. Allow foot traffic after 8-10 hours (the coating should not be tacky) and vehicles after 24-36 hours. Remember that the drying time depends on the atmosphere. Check the instructions that are printed on the kit. 

Video: How to Apply RockSolid polycuramine Metallic Floor Coating Kit